

For the right to study you can take advantage of scholarships funded by the University whose calls are published annually on the website. Below you can find the call for applications for scholarships to be awarded to Italian students enrolled in the three-year Bachelor’s Degree and two-year Master’s Degree Programmes of the University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri" of Reggio Calabria, with the appropriate Application Form.


EU  STUDENTS * who have achieved, at least, the competence level B1 of the Italian language, can apply for enrollment in three-year Bachelor’s Degree and two-year Master’s Degree Programme at the University (level B2 for the LM/94- Master’s Degree Programme) , receiving a scholarship that covers the tuition fees of the overall duration of the course, if they meet the requirements .
* The citizens from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the Republic of San Marino are considered equivalent to the EU citizens. The refugees and the holders of subsidiary protection as well as the staff  in service in the foreign Diplomatic Corps and in the International Bodies based in Italy - accredited to the Italian State or the Holy See - and their dependents (spouses and children)- are also treated as EU citizens.

Non-EU STUDENTS RESIDENT IN ITALY ** who have achieved, at least, the competence level B1 of the Italian language, can apply for enrollment in three-year Bachelor’s Degree and two-year Master’s Degree Programme at the University (level B2 for the LM/94- Master’s Degree Programme) of the University, taking advantage of a scholarship that covers the tuition  fees for the overall duration of the course, if  they meet the qualification requirements prescribed by ministerial rules (see the website page:
** Non-EU citizens holding a residence permit, or a residence permit for subordinate work, for self-employment, family reasons, political asylum, humanitarian asylum, religious reasons or foreigners who have been legally resident for at least one year with high-school certificate study obtained in Italy or in Italian schools abroad or foreign or international schools operating in Italy and abroad, subject of bilateral agreements or special regulations for the recognition of qualifications.

Non-EU STUDENTS NOT RESIDENT IN ITALY who have achieved, at least, the competence level B1 of the Italian language or who can be tested for an equivalent linguistic competence at the "Higher School of Orientation and Higher Education in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners" of the University, can apply for enrollment in three-year Bachelor’s Degree and two-year Master’s Degree Programme at the University (level B2 for the LM/94- Master’s Degree Programme) in order to obtain a scholarship that covers the tuition  fees for the overall duration of the course, if they meet the requirements set by the ministerial  rules (

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