Professore associato
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AA 2020/2021
Temi di ricerca:
I principali temi di ricerca del Prof. Federico Gaspari sono documentati in oltre sessanta pubblicazioni referate, apparse anche in importanti riviste internazionali di lingua inglese, oltre che in prestigiose pubblicazioni con editori di rilievo (tra le più recenti, si segnalano le co-curatele del volume Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice, edito da Springer nel 2018, e del doppio numero speciale della rivista Machine Translation dedicato a Human Factors in Neural Machine Translation, pubblicato nel 2019). Tra i suoi principali interessi di ricerca figurano: 1) le tecnologie della traduzione, in particolare la traduzione automatica (valutazione, didattica, suo impiego online, utilizzo da parte dei traduttori professionisti, con specifico riguardo al post-editing); 2) la linguistica descrittiva dell’inglese e la traduttologia applicata (studi variazionisti in diversi ambiti, tanto per l’inglese accademico e accademico istituzionale quanto per quello di specialità, sia scritto che orale, originale e tradotto/mediato, universali della traduzione e della mediazione per la coppia di lingue inglese-italiano, qualità e valutazione della traduzione automatica e umana/studentesca/professionale, pedagogia della traduzione – in particolare per la sua dimensione della competenza interculturale); 3) la linguistica dei corpora (descrizione basata sui corpora della fraseologia – tra cui parole chiave vs. “lockwords”, “lexical bundles”, fenomeni collocazionali, colligazionali e di prosodia semantica – dell’inglese originale, L2 e tradotto, oltre che della modalità verbale dell’inglese mediato rispetto al benchmark nativo originale). _________________________________
Prof. Federico Gaspari's main research topics are documented in over sixty peer-reviewed publications, which have appeared in leading international English-language journals, as well as in high-profile publications by distinguished publishers (the most recent ones include the jointly co-edited volume Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice, published by Springer in 2018, and the double special issue of the Machine Translation journal devoted to Human Factors in Neural Machine Translation, that came out in 2019). His main research interests include: 1) translation technologies, in particular machine translation (evaluation, teaching, its online use, deployment by professional translators, with a special emphasis on post-editing); 2) descriptive English linguistics and applied translation studies (variationist studies in various fields, both with regard to EAP and Institutional Academic English and to ESP, written and oral, original and translated/mediated, translation and mediation universals for the English-Italian language pair, quality and evaluation of machine and human/student/professional translation, translation pedagogy – in particular for its dimension of intercultural competence); 3) corpus linguistics (corpus-based description of phraseology – focusing on keywords vs. “lockwords”, lexical bundles, collocational, colligational and semantic prosodic phenomena – of original, L2 and translated English, as well as of verbal modality of mediated English compared to the native original benchmark).
(Ultimo aggiornamento luglio 2021 / Last updated July 2021)
□ Pubblicazioni principali / Main publications
○ Way, Andy, Rejwanul Haque,Guodong Xie, Federico Gaspari, Maja Popović and Alberto Poncelas (2020) "Rapid Development of Competitive Translation Engines for Access to Multilingual COVID-19 Information". Informatics 7(2), 19. DOI: 10.3390/informatics7020019.
○ Bago, Petra, Jane Dunne, Federico Gaspari, Andre Kåsen, Gauti Kristmannsson, Helen McHugh, Jon Arild Olsen, Dana D. Sheridan, Páraic Sheridan, John Tinsley and Andy Way (2020) "Progress of the PRINCIPLE Project: Promoting MT for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian". In André Martins, Helena Moniz, Sara Fumega, Bruno Martins, Fernando Batista, Luisa Coheur, Carla Parra, Isabel Trancoso, Marco Turchi, Arianna Bisazza, Joss Moorkens, Ana Guerberof, Mary Nurminen, Lena Marg and Mikel L. Forcada (eds) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. 4-6 May 2020, Lisbon, Portugal (moved to 3-5 November 2020, Online Conference). Pages 465-466. ISBN: 978-989-33-0589-8.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Natália Resende, Federico Gaspari, Andy Way, Tony O’Dowd, Marek Mazur, Manuel Herranz, Alex Helle, Gema Ramírez-Sánchez, Víctor Sánchez-Cartagena, Mārcis Pinnis and Valters Šics (2019) "Large-scale Machine Translation Evaluation of the iADAATPA Project". Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII. Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks. Dublin, Ireland, 19-23 August 2019. Pages 179-185.
○ Way, Andy and Federico Gaspari (2019) "PRINCIPLE: Providing Resources in Irish, Norwegian, Croatian and Icelandic for the Purposes of Language Engineering". Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII. Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks. Dublin, Ireland, 19-23 August 2019. Pages 112-113.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Federico Gaspari, Joss Moorkens, Maja Popović and Antonio Toral (2019) "Editors’ Foreword to the Special Issue on Human Factors in Neural Machine Translation". Machine Translation 33(1): 1-7, Special Issue 'Human Factors in Neural Machine Translation'. ISSN: 0922-6567. DOI: 10.1007/s10590-019-09231-y.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Federico Gaspari, Joss Moorkens, Maja Popović and Antonio Toral (2019) (eds) "Special Issue 'Human Factors in Neural Machine Translation'". Machine Translation 33(1-2): 1-203. ISSN: 0922-6567.
○ Moorkens, Joss, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari and Stephen Doherty (2018) (eds) Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-91240-0.
○Moorkens, Joss, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari and Stephen Doherty (2018) "Introduction". Moorkens, Joss, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari and Stephen Doherty (eds) Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice. Cham: Springer. Pages 1-6. ISBN: 978-3-319-91240-0.
○Castilho, Sheila, Stephen Doherty, Federico Gaspari and Joss Moorkens (2018) "Approaches to Human and Machine Translation Quality Assessment". Moorkens, Joss, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari and Stephen Doherty (eds) Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice. Cham: Springer. Pages 9-38. ISBN: 978-3-319-91240-0.
○Doherty, Stephen, Joss Moorkens, Federico Gaspari and Sheila Castilho (2018) "On Education and Training in Translation Quality Assessment". Moorkens, Joss, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari and Stephen Doherty (eds) Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice. Cham: Springer. Pages 95-106. ISBN: 978-3-319-91240-0.
○ Caimotto, Maria Cristina and Federico Gaspari (2018) "Corpus-based Study of News Translation: Challenges and Possibilities". Across Languages and Cultures 19(2): 205-220. ISSN: 1585-1923 / 1588-2519. DOI: 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.4.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Joss Moorkens, Federico Gaspari, Rico Sennrich, Andy Way and Panayota Georgakopoulou (2018) "Evaluating Machine Translation for Massive Open Online Courses: A Multifaceted Comparison between Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation and Neural Machine Translation Systems". Machine Translation 32(3): 255-278. ISSN: 0922-6567. DOI: 10.1007/s10590-018-9221-y.
○ Behnke, Maximiliana, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Rico Sennrich, Vilelmini Sosoni, Thanasis Naskos, Eirini Takoulidou, Maria Stasimioti, Menno van Zaanen, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari, Panayota Georgakopoulou, Valia Kordoni, Markus Egg and Katia Lida Kermanidis (2018) "Improving Machine Translation of Educational Content via Crowdsourcing". Calzolari, Nicoletta, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Koiti Hasida, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga (eds) Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12 May 2018. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Pages 3343-3347. ISBN: 979-10-95546-00- 9.
○ Rossetti, Alessandra and Federico Gaspari (2017) “Modelling the analysis of translation memory use and post-editing of raw machine translation output: A pilot study of trainee translators’ perceptions of difficulty and time effectiveness”. Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Oliver Czulo and Sascha Hoffmann (eds) Empirical modelling of translation and interpreting. Berlin: Language Science Press. Pages 41-67. ISBN: 978-3-96110-024-8. DOI: 0.5281/zenodo.1089335. URL: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/view/132/360/902-1.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Joss Moorkens, Federico Gaspari, Rico Sennrich, Vilelmini Sosoni, Panayota Georgakopoulou, Pintu Lohar, Andy Way, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone and Maria Gialama (2017) “A Comparative Quality Evaluation of Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation and Neural Machine Translation using Professional Translators”. Kurohashi, Sadao and Pascale Fung (eds) Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVI - Vol. 1 Research Track. Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, September 18-22, 2017. Pages 116-131.
○ Scansani, Randy, Silvia Bernardini, Adriano Ferraresi, Federico Gaspari and Marcello Soffritti (2017) "Enhancing Machine Translation of Academic Course Catalogues with Terminological Resources". Proceedings of the First Workshop on Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology (HiT-IT) held in conjunction with RANLP2017. Varna, Bulgaria, 7 September 2017. Pages 1-10. ISBN: 978-954-452-042-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26615/978-954-452-042-7_001.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Federico Gaspari, Joss Moorkens and Andy Way (2017) “Integrating Machine Translation into Massive Online Open Courses”. Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. July 3-5, 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Pages 9360-9365. ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4.
○ Castilho, Sheila, Joss Moorkens, Federico Gaspari, Iacer Calixto, John Tinsley and Andy Way (2017) “Is Neural Machine Translation the New State of the Art?”. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 108: 109-120. ISSN: 0032-6585. DOI: 10.1515/pralin-2017-0013.
○ Lemme, Antonietta and Federico Gaspari (2017) “Evaluating Institutional Academic English Terminology for Internationalization: the Website and Online Student Services of the University of Macerata (Italy) as a Case Study”. Paola Faini (ed) Terminological Approaches in the European Context. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pages 41-63. ISBN: 1-4438-4490-X.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2016) “Didattica della traduzione in L1 e sviluppo della competenza interculturale: valutazione e percezione degli studenti”. Adele D’Arcangelo (a cura di) Promuovere la competenza interculturale nella didattica della traduzione: L’esperienza della Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori di Forlì. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Pagine 97-120. ISBN: 978-88-6923-159-9.
○ Fernández-Barrera, Meritxell, Vladimir Popescu, Antonio Toral, Federico Gaspari and Khalid Choukri (2016) “Enhancing Cross-border EU e-commerce through Machine Translation: Needed Language Resources, Challenges and Opportunities”. Nicoletta Calzolari, Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Marko Grobelnik, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Helene Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis (eds) Proceedings of the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Pages 4550-4556. ISBN: 978-2-9517408-9-1.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2015) “Exploring Expo Milano 2015: a cross-linguistic comparison of food-related phraseology in translation using a comparallel corpus approach”. The Translator 21(3): 327-349. ISSN: 1355-6509 (Print) 1757-0409 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/13556509.2015.1103099.
○ Gaspari, Federico, Hala Almaghout and Stephen Doherty (2015) “A survey of machine translation competences: insights for translation technology educators and practitioners”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 23(3): 333-358. ISSN: 0907-676X (Print), 1747-6623 (Online). DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2014.979842.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2015) “Chapter 35: Online Translation”. Chan Sin-wai (ed) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology. Abingdon: Routledge. 578-593. ISBN: 978-0-415-52484-1.
○ Niño, Ana, Federico Gaspari and Harold Somers (2014) “The role of Teaching English as a Second Language in the age of (highly accurate) Machine Translation”. Contact - English Language Learning Magazine of the Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario 40(4): 35-42. Toronto: TESL Ontario. ISSN: 0227-2938.
○ Gaspari, Federico, Antonio Toral, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Declan Groves and Andy Way (2014) “Perception vs Reality: Measuring Machine Translation Post-Editing Productivity”. Sharon O'Brien, Michel Simard and Lucia Specia (eds) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice (WPTP-3) at the 11th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2014). Vancouver, Canada, 26 October 2014. 60-72.
○ Gaspari, Federico, Antonio Toral, Arle Lommel, Stephen Doherty, Josef van Genabith and Andy Way (2014) “Relating Translation Quality Barriers to Source-Text Properties”. Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic and Manual Metrics for Operational Translation Evaluation at LREC 2014. Reykjavik, Iceland, 26 May 2014. 61-70.
○ Naskar, Sudip Kumar, Antonio Toral, Federico Gaspari and Declan Groves (2013) “Meta-Evaluation of a Diagnostic Quality Metric for Machine Translation”. Khalil Sima'an, Mikel L. Forcada, Daniel Grasmick, Heidi Depraetere and Andy Way (eds) Proceedings of the XIV Machine Translation Summit. Nice, France, 2-6 September 2013. Allschwil: The European Association for Machine Translation. 135-142. ISBN: 978-3-9524207-0-6.
○ Toral, Antonio, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Joris Vreeke, Federico Gaspari and Declan Groves (2013) “A Web Application for the Diagnostic Evaluation of Machine Translation over Specific Linguistic Phenomena”. Chris Dyer and Derrick Higgins (eds) Proceedings of the 2013 NAACL HLT Conference - Demonstration Session. Atlanta, GA, USA, 10-12 June 2013. Stroudsburg, PA: Association for Computational Linguistics. 20-23. ISBN: 978-1-937284-47-3.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2013) “A phraselogical comparison of international news agency reports published online: Lexical bundles in the English-language output of ANSA, Adnkronos, Reuters and UPI”. Magnus Huber and Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Focus on Non-Native Englishes. Proceedings of ICAME 31. VARIENG : Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, Volume 13. University of Helsinki: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts, and Change in English. Online publication (approx. 12,000 words). ISSN: 1797-4453.
○ Toral, Antonio, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Federico Gaspari and Declan Groves (2012) “ DELiC4MT: A Tool for Diagnostic Machine Translation Evaluation over User-defined Linguistic Phenomena”. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 98: 121-131. ISSN: 0032-6585. DOI: 10.2478/v10108-012-0014-9.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2011) “Introduzione alla traduzione automatica”. Bersani Berselli, Gabriele (a cura di) Usare la traduzione automatica. Primo volume della collana “Scrittura/Traduzione/Tecnologie”. Bologna: CLUEB. 13-31. ISBN: 978-88-491-3605-0.
○ Gaspari, Federico e Eros Zanchetta (2011) “Scrittura controllata per la traduzione automatica”. Bersani Berselli, Gabriele (a cura di) Usare la traduzione automatica. Primo volume della collana “Scrittura/Traduzione/Tecnologie”. Bologna: CLUEB. 63-79. ISBN: 978-88-491-3605-0.
○ Gaspari, Federico, Antonio Toral and Sudip Kumar Naskar (2011) “User-focused Task-oriented Machine Translation Evaluation for Wikis: A Case Study”. Proceedings of the Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop “Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators”. European Commission, Luxembourg, 14 October 2011. 13-22.
○ Naskar, Sudip Kumar, Antonio Toral, Federico Gaspari and Andy Way (2011) “A Framework for Diagnostic Evaluation of Machine Translation Based on Linguistic Checkpoints”. Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIII. Xiamen, China, 19-23 September 2011. 529-536.
○ Toral, Antonio, Federico Gaspari, Sudip Kumar Naskar and Andy Way (2011) “Comparative Evaluation of Research vs. Online Machine Translation Systems”. Forcada, Mikel L., Heidi Depraetere and Vincent Vandeghinste (eds) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 30-31 May 2011. 13-20. ISBN: 9789081486118.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2010) The Role of Online Machine Translation in Webpage Translation. Macerata: Edizioni Simple. 303 pages. ISBN: 978-88-6259-305-2.
○ Bernardini, Silvia, Adriano Ferraresi and Federico Gaspari (2010) “Institutional academic English in the European context: a web-as-corpus approach to comparing native and non-native language”. Linde López, Ángeles and Rosalía Crespo Jiménez (eds) Professional English in the European context: The EHEA challenge. Bern: Peter Lang. Pages 27-53. ISBN: 978-3-0343-0088-9.
○ Gaspari, Federico and Silvia Bernardini (2010) “Comparing non-native and translated language: monolingual comparable corpora with a twist”. Xiao, Richard (ed) Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pages 215-234. ISBN: 1-4438-1755-4.
○ Gaspari, Federico and Silvia Bernardini (2009) “Revisiting the notion of translation universals through L2 written production: theoretical and methodological issues”. Cavagnoli, Stefania, Elena Di Giovanni e Raffaela Merlini (a cura di) La ricerca nella comunicazione interlinguistica. Modelli teorici e metodologici. Milano: Franco Angeli. Pagine 202-216. ISBN: 9788856810561.
○ Gaspari, Federico and Elena Polisca (2009) “How do we teach Italian culture? The e-learning approach of CAMILLE”. TuttItalia 37: 3-9. ISSN: 0957-1752.
○ Gaspari, Federico and Harold Somers (2007) “Making a Sow 's Ear out of a Silk Purse: (Mis)Using Online Machine Translation Services as Bilingual Dictionaries”. Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 29. London, United Kingdom, 29-30 November 2007. London: Aslib/IMI. Pages 1-15. ISBN: 0851424856.
○ Polisca, Elena and Federico Gaspari (2007) “Teaching Language and Culture: the E-learning Response of CAMILLE”. Links Bulletin 36 (Winter 2007). London: CILT, The National Centre for Languages. Pages 8-9.
○ Gaspari, Federico and John Hutchins (2007) “Online and Free! Ten Years of Online Machine Translation: Origins, Developments, Current Use and Future Prospects”. Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-14 September 2007. Pages 199-206. ISBN: 978-87-90708-16-0.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2006) “The Added Value of Free Online MT Services: Confidence Boosters for Linguistically-challenged Internet Users, a Case Study for the Language Pair Italian-English”. Proceedings of AMTA 2006, 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas “Visions for the Future of Machine Translation”. Cambridge, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 8-12 August 2006. Pages 46-55.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2006) “Look Who 's Translating: Impersonations, Chinese Whispers and Fun with Machine Translation on the Internet”. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Oslo University, Oslo, Norway, 19-20 June 2006. Pages 149-158. ISBN: 82-7368-294-3.
○ Somers, Harold, Federico Gaspari and Ana Niño (2006) “Detecting Inappropriate Use of Free Online Machine Translation by Language Students - A Special Case of Plagiarism Detection”. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Oslo University, Oslo, Norway, 19-20 June 2006. Pages 41-48. ISBN: 82-7368-294-3.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2005) “Embedding Free Online Machine Translation into Monolingual Websites for Multilingual Dissemination: a Case Study of Implementation”. Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 27. London, United Kingdom, 24-25 November 2005. London: Aslib/IMI. Pagine non numerate / Pages not numbered. ISBN: 0851424821.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2005) “Coping with the Time-to-Market Factor in Software Localisation Projects”. Merten, Pascaline (ed) Équivalences. Special guest-edited issue on “La traduction à l 'heure de la localisation: outils, méthodes et formation”. Bruxelles: Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes (ISTI), Haute École de Bruxelles (HEB). 32(1): 19-37. ISSN: 0779-5599 0779-5599 0779-5599 0779-5599.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2004) “Online Machine Translation Services and Real Users ' Needs: an Empirical Usability Evaluation”. Frederking, Robert E. and Kathryn B. Taylor (eds) Proceedings of AMTA 2004, 6th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas “Machine Translation: From Real Users to Research”. Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA, 28 September - 2 October 2004. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3265. Berlin: Springer. Pages 74-85. ISBN: 978-3-540-23300-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30194-3_9.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2004) “Controlled Language, Web Usability and Machine Translation Services on the Internet”. International Journal of Translation. 16(1) (January-June 2004). Pages 41-54. ISSN: 0970-9819.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2004) “Integrating On-line Machine Translation Services into Monolingual Web-sites for Dissemination Purposes: an Evaluation Perspective”. Proceedings of the 9th EAMT Workshop “Broadening horizons of machine translation and its applications”. University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, 26-27 April 2004. Pages 62-72. ISBN: 99932-650-1-2.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2004) “ Enhancing Free On-line Machine Translation Services”. Lee, Mark (ed) Proceedings of the 7th Annual Colloquium for the UK Special Interest Group for Computational Linguistics. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 6-7 January 2004. Pages 68-74.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2003) “Relevance of Parallel Corpora to the Latest Developments of Machine Translation and Computer-assisted Translation”. International Journal of Translation. 15(1) (January-June 2003). Pages 27-41. ISSN: 0970-9819.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2002) “Using Free On-line Services in Machine Translation Teaching”. Proceedings of the 6th EAMT Workshop Teaching Machine Translation. Organised by the European Association for Machine Translation in association with the British Computer Society Natural Language Translation Specialist Group. Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, Manchester, England, 14-15 November 2002. Pages 145-153.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2002) “Servizi Gratuiti di Traduzione Automatica Online: Spunti di Riflessione e Indicazioni per il Mercato della Comunicazione Multilingue”. Atti del 3º Convegno Internazionale Comunicazione multilingue, tecnologia e tendenze del mercato. Rimini, Italia, 11-13 ottobre 2002. Pagine 115-128.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2001) “Traduzione Automatica: Realtà e Prospettive”. Atti del 2º Convegno Internazionale L 'Industria della Traduzione Oggi: Documentazione multilingue, Tecnologia, Mercato. Bologna, Italia, 26-28 ottobre 2001. Pagine 119-134.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2001) “Teaching Machine Translation to Trainee Translators: a Survey of Their Knowledge and Opinions”. Forcada, Mikel L., Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz and Derek R. Lewis (eds) Proceedings of the Workshop Teaching Machine Translation. Machine Translation Summit VIII. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 22 September 2001. Pages 35-44.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2009) “Alcune considerazioni etiche sulla letteratura africana nelle lingue europee e sulla scrittura come traduzione. Tradurre Paul Bandia” [traduzione in italiano con commento critico dell 'articolo in inglese / translation into Italian with a critical commentary of the article in English “African Europhone Literature and Writing as Translation. Some Ethical Issues” di / by Paul Bandia (2006), apparso originariamente nel / originally published in volume II Theo Hermans (ed) Translating Others. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, pages 349-361]. Bollettieri Bosinelli, Rosa Maria e Elena Di Giovanni (a cura di) Oltre l 'Occidente: Traduzione e Alterità Culturale. Milano: Bompiani. Pagine 325-351 [traduzione / translation] + 352-354 [commento critico / critical commentary]. ISBN: 978-88-452-6223-4.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2005) “I Corpora Computerizzati e il Futuro degli Studi sulla Traduzione” [traduzione in italiano con commento critico dell 'articolo in inglese / translation into Italian with a critical commentary of the article in English “Computerized Corpora and the Future of Translation Studies” di / by Maria Tymoczko (1998), apparso originariamente sulla rivista / originally published in the journal Meta 43(4): 652-659]. Agorni, Mirella (a cura di) La Traduzione. Teorie e Metodologie a Confronto. Milano: LED Editore. Pagine 83-96 [traduzione / translation] + 339-340 [commento critico / critical commentary]. ISBN: 88-7916-284-5.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2010) “Review of the Book ‘Between Text and Image: Updating research in screen translation' by D. Chiaro, C. Heiss and C. Bucaria (eds)”. The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. 16(1) (April 2010). Pages 141-145. ISSN: 1355-6509.
○ Gaspari, Federico (2004) “Review of the Book ‘Manuale di Terminologia: Aspetti Teorici, Metodologici e Applicativi' by M. Magris, M.T. Musacchio, L. Rega and F. Scarpa (eds)”. The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. 10(1) (April 2004). Pages 150-154. ISSN: 1355-6509.
Sheila Castilho Joss Moorkens
Federico Gaspari Rico Sennrich
Andy Way Panayota Georgakopoulou
Cariche istituzionali
Federico Gaspari è professore associato di lingua e traduzione inglese presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Società e della Formazione d’Area Mediterranea dell’Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria, dove è Direttore del Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo “Dante Alighieri” (CLADA).
Si è laureato in traduzione presso la Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori dell’Università di Bologna (sede di Forlì); successivamente si è specializzato nel Regno Unito, conseguendo un Master of Science in traduzione automatica presso lo University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, e quindi un Dottorato di Ricerca, sempre in traduzione automatica, presso la University of Manchester.
Dal 2002 al 2007 ha insegnato traduzione tecnico-specialistica, tecnologie della traduzione e lingua italiana (a tutti i livelli, compresi i corsi di laurea a livello di Master, gli insegnamenti istituzionali per studenti non specialisti, come pure i corsi per il pubblico esterno) presso le Università di Manchester e Salford. Successivamente, tra gli anni accademici 2007/2008 e 2014/2015, ha tenuto corsi di traduzione tecnico-specialistica, tecnologie della traduzione e linguistica inglese nelle Università di Bologna (sede di Forlì) e Macerata. A questa intensa attività di docenza accademica di lungo corso, ha affiancato significative esperienze come formatore, tanto per corsi e seminari in presenza, quanto per webinar e altre iniziative di formazione e aggiornamento online o a distanza, rivolte a traduttori professionisti, in collaborazione con importanti organizzazioni professionali e associazioni di categoria italiane e internazionali, tra cui si segnalano: DGT della Commissione Europea (Bruxelles e Lussemburgo), Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (AITI), Divisione Servizi Linguistici della Banca d'Italia, Laboratorio di Terminologia e Traduzione Assistita dell'Università di Bologna (sede di Forlì), GALA - Globalization and Localization Association, Rete dei Traduttori Italofoni di Berna (Svizzera), ProZ.com, Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET), STL, European School of Translation e ALI - Accessibilità Lingue Inclusione.
Dal 2008 al 2011 è stato assegnista di ricerca post-dottorale (senior) presso il Diparimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture dell’Università di Bologna (sede di Forlì). Nel 2012-2013 ha condotto presso il Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo dell’Università di Macerata il progetto di ricerca dedicato al tema “Internazionalizzazione e traduzione in lingua inglese del sito web e dei documenti istituzionali dell’Ateneo”. Da settembre 2010 è affiliato in qualità di visiting postdoctoral researcher all’ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology (precedentemente CNGL, Centre for Next Generation Localisation) della Dublin City University di Dublino (Irlanda), dove ha collaborato a sette progetti di ricerca internazionali conclusi, finanziati dalla Commissione Europea incentrati sulle tecnologie linguistiche, la traduzione automatica e la sua valutazione: "CoSyne" (STREP, settembre 2010 – novembre 2012), "QTLaunchPad" (CSA, dicembre 2012 – marzo 2014), "MLi - Towards a MultiLingual Data Services Infrastructure” (aprile 2014 – settembre 2015), "TraMOOC - Translation for Massive Open Online Courses" (ottobre 2015 – gennaio 2018), "iADAATPA - Intelligent, Automatic Domain Adapted Automated Translation for Public Administrations" (febbraio 2018 – febbraio 2019), "ELRI - European Language Resource Infrastructure" (ottobre 2017 – settembre 2019), "INTERACT - INTERnAtional network on Crisis Translation" (aprile 2017 – marzo 2020) e "PRINCIPLE - Providing Resources in Irish, Norwegian, Croatian and Icelandic for the Purposes of Language Engineering" (settembre 2019 – dicembre 2020). È visiting postdoctoral researcher presso l'ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology della Dublin City University di Dublino (Irlanda), presso cui collabora al progetto di ricerca internazionale "ELE - European Language Equality" (gennaio 2021 – giugno 2022), come componente affiliato all'unità coordinatrice dell'intero consorzio, che comprende 53 partner internazionali.
Fa parte dei comitati editoriali delle riviste accademiche internazionali di studi sulla traduzione inTRAlinea del Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione dell'Università di Bologna (sede di Forlì) e New Voices in Translation Studies della International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Collabora inoltre spesso come valutatore esterno e recensore con i comitati editoriali di alcune delle principali riviste scientifiche internazionali di linguistica inglese, linguistica applicata, studi sulla traduzione, linguistica computazionale e traduzione automatica, tra cui The Translator (Routledge), Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (Taylor and Francis), Target (John Benjamins), International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins), Languages in Contrast (John Benjamins), Machine Translation (Springer), Textus: English Studies in Italy / Language Issue (rivista scientifica dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica - Carocci), Translation and Interpreting Studies (John Benjamins), CADAAD (Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines) Journal, ecc.
È regolarmente membro dei comitati scientifici di importanti serie di convegni internazionali (dei quali è anche spesso relatore, come nei casi di Corpus Linguistics, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, European Association for Machine Translation, Machine Translation Summit, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, TeTra - Tecnologie per la Traduzione, ecc.). È stato co-chair (con Celia Rico, Universidad Europea Madrid) della Translator Track del XVII Machine Translation Summit, che si è svolto presso la Dublin City University (Irlanda) il 19-23 agosto 2019.
Federico Gaspari is associate professor of English language and translation studies in the Department of Social and Educational Sciences of the Mediterranean Area at the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria (Italy), where he is director of the “Dante Alighieri” University Language Centre (CLADA).
He graduated in translation studies from the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Bologna (Forlì campus); he subsequently completed his postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom, earning an MSc in machine translation from UMIST, the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, followed by a PhD, again in machine translation, from the University of Manchester.
Between 2002 and 2007 he taught technical and specialised translation, translation technologies and Italian language (all levels, including specialist programmes, up to MA level, institution-wide language programmes, as well as courses for the public) at the Universities of Manchester and Salford. Later on, between the academic years 2007/2008 and 2014/2015, he taught courses in technical and specialised translation, translation technologies and English linguistics in the Universities of Bologna (Forlì campus) and Macerata. In addition to this long-standing intensive academic teaching activity, he has also offered numerous training courses, including in-person events and seminars as well as webinars and other online distance-learning professional development activities, aimed at professional translators, in collaboration with leading Italian and international professional organisations and associations, including: DGT of the European Commission (Brussels and Luxembourg), Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI), Language Service Division of the Bank of Italy, Laboratory for Terminology and Computer-Assisted Translation of Bologna University (Forlì campus), GALA - Globalization and Localization Association, Network of Italian-speaking Translators of Bern (Switzerland), ProZ.com, Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET), STL, European School of Translation and ALI - Accessibilità Lingue Inclusione.
From 2008 until 2011 he was a (senior) post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures of the University of Bologna (Forlì campus). In 2012-2013 he conducted a research project entitled “Internationalisation and translation into English of the website and of the institutional documents of the University” at the University Language Centre of the University of Macerata. Since September 2010 he has been affiliated as a visiting postdoctoral researcher to the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology (formerly CNGL, Centre for Next Generation Localisation) of Dublin City University (Ireland), where he has collaborated in seven concluded international research projects funded by the European Commission devoted to language technology, machine translation and its evaluation: "CoSyne" (STREP, September 2010 – November 2012), "QTLaunchPad" (CSA, December 2012 – March 2014), "MLi - Towards a MultiLingual Data Services Infrastructure” (April 2014 – September 2015), "TraMOOC - Translation for Massive Open Online Courses" (October 2015 – January 2018), "iADAATPA - Intelligent, Automatic Domain Adapted Automated Translation for Public Administrations" (February 2018 – February 2019), "ELRI - European Language Resource Infrastructure" (October 2017 – September 2019), "INTERACT - INTERnAtional network on Crisis Translation" (April 2017 – March 2020) and "PRINCIPLE - Providing Resources in Irish, Norwegian, Croatian and Icelandic for the Purposes of Language Engineering" (September 2019 – December 2020). He is a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology of Dublin City University (Ireland), where he collaborates in the international research project "ELE - European Language Equality" (January 2021 – June 2022) as an affiliated member of the coordinating unit of the whole consortium, which includes 53 international partners.
He is a member of the advisory boards of the international translation studies journals inTRAlinea of the Department of Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna (Forlì campus) and New Voices in Translation Studies of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. In addition, he is a frequent external referee and reviewer for the editorial boards of some of the premier international scientific journals of English linguistics, applied linguistics, translation studies, computational linguistics and machine translation, including The Translator (Routledge), Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (Taylor and Francis), Target (John Benjamins), International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins), Languages in Contrast (John Benjamins), Machine Translation (Springer), Textus: English Studies in Italy / Language Issue (scientific journal of the Italian Association of English Studies - Carocci), Translation and Interpreting Studies (John Benjamins), CADAAD (Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines) Journal, etc.
He serves on a regular basis as a member of the scientific committees of well-established series of international conferences (where he is also a regular speaker, as in the cases of Corpus Linguistics, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies, European Association for Machine Translation, Machine Translation Summit, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, TeTra - Technologies for Translation, etc.); he served as co-chair (with Celia Rico, Universidad Europea Madrid) of the Translator Track of the XVII Machine Translation Summit, that was held at Dublin City University (Ireland) on 19-23 August 2019.
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