Giulio D'Urso
Professore a contratto

Settore Scientifico:
- M-PSI/06

Orario e modalità di ricevimento:

Il ricevimento avverrà tutti i giorni in modalità telematica (utilizzando la piattaforma Google Meet), previo accordo via mail.

Temi di ricerca:

Omofobia e pregiudizi nei contesti sociali (e.g., lavorativi, scolastici).

Comportamenti tipici (e.g., school and work engagement, school transition) e atipici (e.g., bullismo, violenza, new addictions) nel ciclo di vita.


Articoli in riviste scientifiche:

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., Ruggieri, S., Schimmenti, A, & Passanisi, A. (2020). The Role of Narcissism, Hyper-competitiveness and Maladaptive Coping Strategies on Male Adolescent Regular Gamblers: Two Mediation Models. Journal of Gambling Studies. doi:10.1007/s10899-020-09980-z.

D’Urso, G., & Fazzari, E. (2020). Un’indagine qualitativa su un gruppo di insegnanti ai tempi del Covid-19. Nuova Secondaria Ricerca, 2, 80-91.

D’Urso, G., Symonds J., & Pace, U. (2020). The role of psychoticism in the relationship between attachment to parents and homophobic bullying: a study in adolescence. Sexologies.

Gervasi, A. M., D’Urso, G., Pace, U., Sberna, A., Caramanna, E., Rizza, L., Esposito, A., & Passanisi, A. (2020). The role of physical activity and brain training on cognitive functions and wellbeing in elders. Life Span and Disability23(1), 65-83.

D’Urso, G., Symonds J., & Pace, U. (2020). Positive youth development and being bullied in early adolescence: a sociocultural analysis of national cohort data. The Journal of Early Adolescence.

Passanisi, A., D’Urso, G., Schimmenti, A., Ruggieri, S., & Pace, U. (2020). Coping strategies, creativity, social self-efficacy, and hypercompetitiveness in gambling behaviors: A study on male adolescent regular gamblers. Frontiers in Psychology - Cognition. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01722. 

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., & Fontanesi, L. (2020). The vicissitudes of homophobic victimization in adolescence: an explorative study. Frontiers in Psychology - Gender, Sex and Sexualities. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00043.  

D’Urso, G., Symonds J., & Pace, U. (2020). Emergent forms of psychopathology and their associations with homophobic bullying in Italian adolescents: An exploratory quantitative study. Sexuality & Culture, 24,1418–1431. doi: 10.1007/s12119-019-09691-7.

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., & Zappulla, C. (2020). Hating Adolescents’ Test (HAT): A preliminary development of a measure to assess hating among adolescents. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. doi: 10.1080/13218719.2020.1719374.

Tortora, C., D’Urso, G., Nimbi, F.M., Pace, U., Marchetti, D., & Fontanesi, L. (2019). Sexual Fantasies and Stereotypical Gender Roles: The Influence of Sexual Orientation, Gender and social pressure in a sample of Italian young-adults. Frontiers in Psychology - Gender, Sex and Sexualities. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02864.

Boerchi, D., D’Urso, G., & Pace, U (2019). The mediating role of students’ perception of parental behaviours between parental attachment and school choice exploration. Journal of Child and Family Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10826-019-01533-2. 

Fontanesi, L., D’Urso, G., Panzeri, M., & Pace, U. (2019). The role of attachment style in predicting emotional abuse and sexual coercion in gay and lesbian people: an explorative study. Sexuality & Culture

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., Passanisi, A., Cacioppo, M., Mangialavori, S., & Zappulla, C. (2019). Muscle dysmorphia in adolescence: the role of parental psychological control on a potential behavioral addiction. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 

D’Urso, G. & Pace, U. (2019). Homophobic bullying among adolescents: the role of insecure-dismissing attachment style and peer support. Journal of LGBT Youth, 16(2), 173 – 191. 

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., & Pace, U. (2019). Attachment style, attachment to God, religiosity, and moral disengagement: a study on offenders. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22(1), 1-11.

Pace, F., D’Urso, G., Pace, U., & Zappulla C. (2019). The relation between workload and personal well-being among university professors. Current Psychology

Pace, U., D’Urso, G. & Zappulla, C. (2019). Hating among adolescents: Common contributions of cognitive distortions and maladaptive personality traits. Current Psychology

Bonaiuto, M., Catalano, M., Cataldi, S., D’Urso, G., De Dominicis, S., Faggioli, S., Perucchini, P., & Petruccelli, I. (2019). Quando un buon insegnate fa una buona lezione? Uno studio sulle caratteristiche sociocomunicative degli insegnanti in un caso di educazione ambientale. Ricerche di Psicologia, 42(1), 45-61. 

Pace, U., Cacioppo, M., Zappulla, C., D’Urso, G., & Caretti V. (2018). Fattori psicologici che procrastinano la richiesta d'aiuto nella violenza domestica: il ruolo delle dinamiche familiari. Maltrattamento e abuso all’Infanzia, 3, 73-91. 

Passanisi, A., D’Urso, G., & Pace, U. (2019). The Interplay Between Maladaptive Personality Traits and Mindfulness Deficits Among Adolescent Regular Gamblers: A Mediation Model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35(1), 93–105. 

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., & Zappulla, C. (2019). Internalizing problems as a mediator in the relationship between low effortful control and internet abuse in adolescence: a three-wave longitudinal study. Computer in Human Behavior, 92, 47-54.

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., Grilli, S., & Pace, U. (2018). Risk factors related to cognitive distortions toward women and moral disengagement: a study on sex offenders. Sexuality & Culture23(2), 544-557.  

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., Zappulla C., Costantino V., & Pace, U. (2019). The Role of Moral Disengagement and Cognitive Distortions toward Children among Sex Offenders. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 26(3), 414-422.

Pace, U., Passanisi, A., & D’Urso, G. (2018). Emotional and cognitive correlates of hating among adolescents: an exploratory study. Journal of Adolescence, 68, 159–164.

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., & Pace, U. (2018). The Interplay Between Trust Among Peers and Interpersonal Characteristics in Homophobic Bullying Among Italian Adolescents. Sexuality & Culture, 22(4), 1310–1320. 

Muscarà, M., Pace, U., Passanisi, A., D’Urso, G., & Zappulla, C. (2018), The Transition from Middle School to High School: The Mediating Role of Perceived Peer Support in the Relationship between Family Functioning and School Satisfaction. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(8), 2690–2698.

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., & Pace, U. (2018). Drug use as risk factor of Moral Disengagement: a study on drug traffickers and offenders against other persons. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 25(3), 417-424.  

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., & Zappulla, C. (2018). Adolescent Effortful Control as Moderator of Father's Psychological Control in Externalizing Problems: A Longitudinal Study. The Journal of Psychology. Interdisciplinary and Applied, 152(03), 162-175.

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., & Zappulla, C. (2018). Negative eating attitudes and behaviors among adolescents: The role of parental control and perceived peer support. Appetite, 121, 77-82. 

Petruccelli, I., Barbaranelli, C., Grilli, S., Costantino, V., Gherardini, A., Craparo, G., & D’Urso G. (2017). Moral Disengagement and Psychopathy: A Study on Offenders in Italian jails. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24(5), 670-681. 

D’Urso, G., & Petruccelli, I. (2017). Omogenitorialità, una realtà possibile. Rivista di Sessuologia Clinica23(1), 69-85. 

Petruccelli, I., Simonelli, C., Barbaranelli, C., Grilli, S., Tripodi, M. F., & D'Urso, G. (2017). Moral disengagement strategies in sex offenders. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24(3), 470-480.  

Petruccelli, I., Castelluzzo, V., D’Urso G., & Navarro, F. (2016). Il processo di svelamento delle persone gay e lesbiche: una panoramica della letteratura. Rivista di Sessuologia Clinica, 22(2), 21-40. 

Petruccelli, I., Cammarata, V., & D'Urso, G. (2016). Donne e crimine, il lato oscuro del femminile. Rivista di Sessuologia Clinica22(1), 

Petruccelli, I., Baiocco, R., Ioverno, S., Pistella, J., & D’Urso, G. (2015). Famiglie Possibili: Uno studio sugli Atteggiamenti verso la Genitorialità di Persone Gay e Lesbiche. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 42(4)805-828. 


Contributi in volumi internazionali e nazionali:

D’Urso, G. (2020). Paulo Freire: A Critical Reflections of Educational Practices. In R. V. Nata (Eds), Progress in EducationVolume 64 (pp. 219-230). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-53618-139-5.

D’Urso, G., Pace, U., & Muscarà, M. (2020). The psychoeducational role of fables: a qualitative analysis for good teaching. In R. V. Nata (Eds), Progress in EducationVolume 63 (pp. 135-152). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53617-845-6.

Pace, U., D’Urso, G., Passanisi, A., & Milani, L. (2018). Sviluppo psicologico e “nuove” dipendenze senza sostanze. In S. Caravita, L. Milani, D. Traficante (eds), Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione – Traiettorie evolutive e contesti educativi: una prospettiva integrata (pp. 269-283). Bologna: Il Mulino.  

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., Schimmenti, A., & Pace, U. (2017). The Role of Attachment Styles in the Development of Aggressive Behavior Among Peers: An Overview on Homophobic Bullying with a Victim's Report. In A. M. Columbus (Eds), Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 131 (pp. 209-226). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53612-799-7.

Petruccelli, I., D’Urso, G., & Pace, U. (2017). Omogenitorialità e stigma sociale: un’analisi delle nuove strutture familiari in una società complessa. In I. Petruccelli (a cura di), Elementi di Psicologia Giuridica e Criminologica (pp. 112-132), Milano: Franco Angeli.



Petruccelli, I., Pedata L. T., & D’Urso G. (2018). L’autore di reati sessuali. Percorsi di valutazione e trattamento.Milano: Franco Angeli. 

D’Urso, G., Costantino, V., Presti, G., & Petruccelli, I. (a cura di) (2016). Ambienti, spazi vitali e benessere individuale. Buone prassi per la progettazione di ambienti ristorativi. Roma: Edizioni Kappa.


Voci enciclopediche:

D’Urso, G., Petruccelli, I., & Pace, U. (2019) Child sexual assault. In Lykins A. (ed.),

Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender. Springer Nature.



Actually, he is a postdoctoral research fellow at School of Education, University College Dublin (Ireland). 

He has developed different inter-disciplinary research cooperations with researchers and experts coming from different universities (e.g., University of Palermo and Sapienza University of Rome).

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